HES mobilised to Hitachi Welshpool Workshop to perform onsite calibration services.
HV calibration standards were setup in Hitachi’s workshop to calibrate their 140kV AC high voltage test source.
A second HV measurement unit was brought back to the HES HV Workshop to be calibrated as dedicated HV sources and high accuracy meters were required to complete the calibration.
Calibration of 140kV AC high voltage test source was completed onsite using high accuracy HV metering equipment and MetTeam calibration software. HV measuring equipment was setup with correct isolation distances, safety equipment and exclusion zones to ensure safe and accurate testing.
Calibration of the clients Hipotronics KVM100B 100kV AC/DC Kilovolt meter was completed in the HV Calibration Facility at HES Workshop. Dedicated HV sources and high accuracy meters were required to complete the calibration to the required accuracies.
All HV equipment and meters were successfully calibrated onsite allowing the client to continue operation with minimal disruption.