Calibration Works

Summary- Calibration Works

High Energy Service was engaged to perform the onsite inspection and testing of BHP’s HV PPE and Safety equipment along with the calibration of all electrical test and measurement equipment utilised on the Mt Keith and Cliff’s sites.


The Mobile Calibration Truck was the ideal solution for servicing the client’s testing and calibration requirement on their remote site. HES technicians mobilised to site and spent five days performing testing and calibrating. They tested and inspected approximately 120 items of PPE including Switching Suits and Insulated Gloves; tested 38 Insulated Sticks and Hooks and calibrated 96 pieces of Test and Measurement Equipment. All inspection, testing and calibration works were conducted onsite with all works being completed before demobilising from site. This service saved the client on costly downtime that is usually associated with having to send their equipment offsite for regular testing and calibration.